Coordinates, start dates, and calibration info for well-calibrated CO2 sites
Click here to view the sites in Google Map.
Click here to download the Google Earth file. (You need to have Google Earth installed to view this file.)
Site |
Latitude |
41.2762 N |
40.7919 N |
41.1386 N |
43.5263 N |
44.0910 N |
Longitude |
89.9724 W |
92.8775 W |
96.4559 W |
95.4137 W |
91.3382 W |
Elevation (m above MSL) | 247 | 286 | 358 | 469 |
251 |
Installation date |
26-Apr-07 |
27-Apr-07 |
30-Apr-07 |
1-May-07 |
Sampling heights |
30/140 m AGL 100/460 ft AGL |
30/110 m AGL 100/360 ft AGL |
30/122 m AGL
100/400 ft
30/110 m AGL 100/360 ft AGL |
Total tubing lengths (ft) |
130/490 |
170/430 |
150/450 |
145/405 |
Instrument |
CADS05 |
CADS06 |
CADS07 (as of 16-May-07) CADS01 (30-Apr-07 through 16-May-07) |
CADS09 (as of 31-Oct-07) CADS01 (29-Jun-07 through 31-Oct-07)
CADS03 |
CADS10 (as of 31-Oct-07) CADS08 (29-Jun-07through 31-Oct-07) |
Reference tank 1 |
CAO6495 / 360.84 ppm / 1875 psi |
CAO6455 / 361.00 ppm / 1950 psi |
CAO6485 / 361.82 ppm / 2000 psi |
CAO6313 / 337.76 ppm / 1650 psi (1600 psi as of 29-Jun-07) |
Reference tank 2 |
CAO6499 / 395.48 ppm / 2050 psi |
CAO6402 / 396.14 ppm / 1750 psi |
CAO6357 / 417.40 ppm / 1950 psi |
CAO6327 / 364.16 ppm / 1875 psi (1800 psi as of 29-Jun-07) |
CAO2809 / 422.89 ppm / 1050 psi |
Initial calibration date |
8-Mar-07 |
8-Mar-07 |
8-Mar-07 |
8-Mar-07 (for CADS03) 13-Jun-07 (for new CADS01) |
24-Jun-07 |
Subsequent calibration date(s) |
22-Apr-07 |
22-Apr-07 |
22-Apr-07 |
22-Apr-07(for CADS03) 24-Jun-07 (for new CADS01/ no change in cal) |
*In addition to the Ring 2 sites, Penn State also collects well-calibrated CO2 measurements in support of AmeriFlux. The Penn State Ameriflux sites are part of what is intended to be a long-term network. There are also additional well-calibrated sites throughout the country.