Mead, NE
Latitude: 41.1386 N
Longitude: 96.4559 W
Click here for Google map
Elevation: 358 m ASL
Removal date: 17-Nov-09
Sampling heights: 30 / 122 m AGL
Instrument: CADS07 (previously CADS01)
Reference tank 1: CAO6485 / 361.82 ppm / 2000 psi (1500 psi Feb-08; 800 psi Nov-09)
Reference tank 2: CAO6357 / 417.40 ppm / 1950 psi (1500 psi Feb-08; 800 psi Nov-09)
Notes: Nov-08 replaced PVU with one shipped from Picarro; did not replace filter
Most recent calibration date: 22-Apr-07
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