Site | Date installed | Latitude | Longitude | Sampling Heights |
Kewanee, IL | 26 April 2007 | 41.2762 N | 89.9724 W | 30/140 m AGL |
Centerville, IA | 27 April 2007 | 40.7919 N | 92.8775 W | 30/110 m AGL |
Mead, NE | 30 April 2007 | 41.1386 N | 96.4559 W | 30/122 m AGL |
Round Lake, MN | 1 May 2007 | 43.5263 N | 95.4137 W | 30/110 m AGL |
Galesville, WI | 29 June 2007 | 44.0910 N | 91.3382 W | 30/122 m AGL |
A central barrier preventing the scientific community from understanding the
carbon balance of the continent is methodological; it is technically difficult
to bridge the gap in spatial scales that exists between the detailed
understanding of ecological processes that can be gathered via intensive local
field study, and the overarching but mechanistically poor understanding of the
global carbon cycle that is gained by analyzing the atmospheric CO2 budget. The
NACP’s Midcontinental Intensive (MCI) study seeks to bridge this gap by
conducting a rigorous methodological test of our ability to measure the
terrestrial carbon balance of the upper Midwest. A critical need in bridging
this gap is increased data density.
Our work adds a regional network of five communications-tower based atmospheric
CO2 observations from April 2007 through October 2008 to the planned long-term
atmospheric CO2 observing network (tall towers, aircraft profiles, and
well-calibrated CO2 measurements on AmeriFlux towers) in the midcontinent
intensive region. A primary goal of the project is to increase the regional
atmospheric CO2 data density so that 1) atmospheric inversions can derive
well-constrained regional ecosystem carbon flux estimates and 2) the trade off
between data density and accuracy of the flux estimates can be determined
quantitatively using field observations, thus providing guidance to future
observational network designs.
This work builds upon the success of the first ring of towers, deployed as part
of the ChEAS in northern Wisconsin. We present results from this first ring, in
addition to observation and analysis plans for the second ring.