Publications Diaz, L.I., T. Lauvaux,
K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, S. Richardson, A.R.
Jacobson, and A.E. Andrews, 2014:
"Model-data comparison of Mid-Continental
Intensive (MCI) field campaign atmospheric CO2
mole fractions." J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,
submitted. Miles, N. L., S. J.
Richardson, K. J. Davis, T. Lauvaux, A.E. Andrews,
T. O. West, V. Bandaru, and E. R. Crosson, 2012: "Large amplitude spatial
and temporal gradients in atmospheric boundary
layer CO2 mole fractions detected with a
tower-based network in the U.S. Upper Midwest."
J. Geophys Res. B, 117, G01019,
doi:10.1029/2011JG001781. Richardson, S. J., N. L.
Miles, K. J. Davis, E. R. Crosson, C. Rella, and
A. E. Andrews, 2012: "Field testing of
cavity ring-down spectroscopic analyzers
measuring carbon dioxide and water vapor."
J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., Vol. 29, pgs. 397 - 406. Lauvaux, T., A. Schuh, M.
Uliasz, S. Richardson, N. Miles, A. Andrews, C.
Sweeney, L. Diaz, D. Martins, P. Shepson, K.
Davis, 2011. "Constraining
the CO2 budget of the corn belt: Exploring
uncertainties from the assumptions in a
mesoscale inverse system." Atmos. Chem.
Phys., 12, 337-354, doi:10.5194/acp-12-337-2012. Corbin, K. D., A. S.
Denning, E. Y. Lokupitiya, A. E. Schuh, N. L.
Miles, K. J. Davis, S. J. Richardson, I. T. Baker,
2010: "Assessing
the impact of crops on regional CO2 fluxes and
atmospheric concentrations." Tellus, 62B,
521-532, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00485.x. C. Schultz, 2012: "Persistant regional
carbon dioxide anomalies driven by land use."
EOS Research Spotlight, Vol. 93, No. 14, 3 April,
2012. Links
high-precision, high-accuracy CO2 measurement
network on Ameriflux towers Regional
Atmospheric Continuous CO2 Network in the Rocky
Mountains (Rocky RACCOON) CO2
Budget and Rectification Airborne Study (COBRA) Regional
Modeling at Colorado State University Terrestrial
and Atmospheric Carbon Observing System
Infrastructure (TACOS) Indiana
University Atmospheric Science Morgan-Monroe
State Forest Eddy Covariance Tower Earth
System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring
Division (ESRL-GMD)