The following is information on the different variables contained within the downloaded data file. Inst: Serial number of instrument used to collect data Site: 2 letter code indicating site of data collection Level: Level of air sample. Level 1 is the higher level (> 100 m AGL) and level 2 is the lower level (30 m AGL). YYYY: Year DOY: Day of Year Hour: Hour of collection (UTC) Time: Fractional day of year (UTC) CO2(ppm): Hourly average CO2 mixing ratio. QualityFlag: (described in table below) Quality Flags 1: error estimated to be < 0.1 ppm 2: error estimated to be > 0.1 ppm but < 0.2 ppm 3: error estimated to be > 0.2 ppm but < 0.3 ppm 4: error estimated to be > 0.3 ppm but < 0.5 ppm 5: error estimated to be > 0.5 ppm (not recommended to be used; CO2 listed as -999) 0: missing data (CO2 listed as -999) Please contact Natasha Miles ( if you have any questions regarding the data.